In this section you can find reference guides related to Civilization II. Most of them cover the topic of Civilization II creation, whether that be maps, scenarios, or even utilities.

All guides, except one, can be viewed online by clicking on their titles. Guides which were originally written in another format can also be downloaded in that original format. "Hex-Editing Saved Games" is only available as a download.


Hex-Editing Saved Games v1.8
edited by Mercator

A comprehensive overview of the structure of Civilization II savegames and scenarios. A must-read for anyone serious about creating Civilization II utilities, and recommended reading for the advanced scenario designers.

Download the original text document.

Civilization II Map Structure
by Mercator

Description of the structure of Civilization II maps in both map files and savegames. Recommended reading for anyone trying to make a Civilization II map utility.

Hacking! Changing The Civilization2 In-Game Graphics
by Mercator

A guide to editing the Civilization II graphics hidden within the game's DLL files, such as the king's portraits and spaceship parts. I wrote this back in 1998, so it's rather outdated now Gif Xtractor (works for all versions of Civ2) and Resource Hacker (works only for the multiplayer versions of Civ2, including Test of Time) have become available. But still recommended reading, especially for users of GifX.

Test of Time Sprite File Format
by Mercator

Description of the format used by Civilization II: Test of Time (animated) sprite files. This is what I used for creating my utilities CivSprite and SpriteGen. Anyone else interested in creating sprite editors for Test of Time, or those crazy enough to try and hex-edit their way in, should find this to be of great use.

Map Making

Map Making. Creating Accurate Civilization2 Maps
by Mercator

A possible approach to making accurate maps for Civilization II set out in detail. If you haven't been able to make any decent maps yet, try this guide. You can use the map resources in this site's links section to find good sources for your maps.

A Quick Guide to Making Accurate Maps
by Mercator

This was another map making guide I wrote. Since the mapping website it relied on no longer exists, I've decided to remove this guide. You can still see it on the Apolyton forums, if you want.

Scenario Creation

Before you start reading the following scenario creation guides I have one important caveat. They all date back to 1998 and before. Many things have been discovered since then, and newer versions of Civ2 have hit the shelves (and disappeared in the bargain bins) by now.

You will probably find more up-to-date information at the Scenario League. You might even still find lively discussions at the CivFanatics Forums.

But that still doesn't mean they aren't compulsory reading material for any self-respecting Civ2 scenario creator. So here they are:

Radiospace's CIV 2 Scenario Design FAQ
by Patrick Williams

An excellent beginners guide to Civilization II scenario design. It explains the basic creation process, from choosing your subject and creating the map to the use of the cheat menu.

Download the original text document.

Advanced Scenario Making Ideas v2.1
by Harlan Thompson and Aleksei Andrievski

This guide builds on Radiospace's design FAQ and explains the uses of the text files, graphics and cheat menu. It also provides some tips and tricks to improve playability and how to use game quirks to your advantage.

Advanced Scenario Design v1.9
by Leon Marrick assisted by Harlan Thompson

The definitive Civilization II scenario design reference guide. A must read for scenario designers. This document is aimed at those with a firm grasp of the map editor and cheat menu. It provides in-depth information on all steps of the creation process, tips, tricks, and the do's and don't's of scenario creation.

Tile Metrics: Improving Terrain Graphics and Road Connectivity
by Mercator

This is not so much a scenario creation guide as it is a guide for better use of graphics. It is an edited version of an old thread I posted on the Apolyton forums. It discusses the peculiarities of the tile shape and the overlap resulting from that. I propose a new tile shape to be used in all new Civ2 graphics, which results in less overlap of terrain and unit graphics, better road connectivity and smoother grid lines.


Fire! Making War in Civilization II
by Marc Fisher

The same restrictions go for this document as for the scenario guides. This is an old document and Civilization II still has a dynamic community. But the basics of Civ2 don't change, even for later released versions of Civilization II. If you want to improve your Civ2 playing strategy, this is a highly recommended read.

Download the original text document.